Shipping and return policies for Lawrence Libert

Shipping Info
UK: Royal Mail Couriers 1st Class Signed For (Not Tracked) ~ 1-3days
EU: Royal Mail Couriers Tracked ~3-5days
Rest Of World: Royal Mail Couriers Tracked & Signed For ~7days

Note: Above delivery dates are estimates provided to the seller from the courier services chosen above. In rare events it may not always be possible for the couriers to deliver in this timescale. Upon postage the seller will obtain a proof of postage for all items posted. By agreeing to purchase any physical item which requires postage, you are agreeing to accept the risk and responsibility for any losses or damage that occurs in transit via the courier. However, if this unfortunate event does occur please contact the seller and efforts will be made to the best of the seller's ability to come to a reasonable resolution.

By agreeing to purchase any physical item which requires postage, you are agreeing to accept the responsibility to pay any customs fees or taxes imposed on the items imported by your country in order to recieve the item. Please check your countries import fees/taxes before placing any orders.
Return Policy
No Returns.